Why online food ordering is getting more popular in now-a-days? Because, people are getting food without going to the restaurant. It is the main thing. Sometimes the busy people don’t like to make food in their flat. So, they’ll choose online ordering system. That’s why online ordering system is most popular in metropolitan cities. But, the system is also popular in local areas in the world.

When we checked the list of Belgium chocolate interested people in GCC, we realized that, most of the people are like to buy it from online. But, the another fact is Covid-19. The spread of the virus changes the whole traditional business marketing. In, India 50% businesses are trying to increase their online visibility, which means they are realized the future of online marketing.

So, here Thakkara Group of Restaurant already entered in the online marketing world. Thakkara Group created their own mobile app for online ordering. They’ve also web portal for online ordering. You can download our mobile app from Google Play Store as well as Apple App Store. If you don’t like to install our app & you need to order our food through online, don’t worry, we have created an online portal for you. Click here to order food online through our online portal.

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